Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Moving on out!

The last day we spent together as an internship group, as a family, was bittersweet! On Monday we all met, and was spun into a day of appointments, learning experiences, and food at a new culture that some of us have never experienced! We grew and developed together as a group and family and it was difficult to say goodbye!

Once we entered the Tower Building the interns typed and talked fast about the finishings of our project – the Let's Move HOSA program! In the midst of finalizing what we will be discussing we had a wonderful surprise and we could meet with former Deputy and Acting Surgeon General RADM Kenneth P. Moritsugu, USPHS (Ret) (1998-2007); he was the Surgeon General that came to one of HOSA's NLC and introduced HOSA to the Medical Reserve Corps – without him HOSA wouldn't get the opportunity to have this internship! We sat down with RADM Mortisugu in a discussion circle and talked openly about many aspects of public health to his initiatives as Surgeon General. After he talked about himself, he asked us about our personal life story, where we are from and what we would like to do in the medical field; from there he spoke about what we could do to improve our way into the health field – very inspirational! After we talked about ourselves we could ask him any questions! We asked many questions from how he got involved in the public health service to how to battle our insecurities, our doubts, and push through everything to follow our dreams and to put the patient first and go boarder from there! Once our time came to an end with RADM Mortisugu he gave us his personal coin (challenge coin) to have with us for the rest of our life!

When RADM Mortisugu said his goodbyes we worked feverishly on the final touches for our project. The 20 minutes we had flew by and we were up on the 2nd floor pulling out our PowerPoint for the project! At exactly 12:01pm we started with the two representatives from the President's Council, Zach Parolin and Meredith Aronson, from the Medical Reserve Corps there was CAPT Robert Tosatto, CAPT Paul Reed, LCDR Skip Payne, LT Katie Hager, Tracy Smith, ENS Sophia Yang, and from National HOSA Nancy Allen, Karen Koeninger, Jim Koeninger, and George Sifakis! We discussed our ideas of how to implement Michelle Obama's campaign, Let's Move, into HOSA and all of its members!

An hour and a half into our presentation, the question and answer portion, we got a yes from National HOSA! We will continue to work on this project and hopefully, we will make this assessable to all of HOSA soon!

After our project was completed we unwillingly said our goodbyes to two of our fearless interns but the rest of us will go out to Rockville Center to watch the Nighthawks play with CAPT. Tosatto and his family! Thank you so much to everyone in the Medical Reserve Corps, the Surgeon Generals, everyone involved in making this happen! This internship group will never forget this! This was the best time we have ever had in our life and we can't wait to share everything that we have learned with those around us! THANK YOU AND WE WILL SEE YOU IN THE OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL SOON!

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